Track Brief & Description

In this course you will learn the fundamental concepts and basics of Robot Operating System (ROS). We are aiming to provide ROS starters with a quick and focused introduction on the basics of ROS, in addition to practical tips that helps them manage better their first projects with ROS in C++ or Python.

The main purpose of the software and control course is to add a valuable knowledge and hands- on experience to those interest in ROS. ROS new users usually face hardships when they start learning ROS. Although a lot of tutorials are out there, yet still there are some vagueness that is left to the students to figure out themselves. We will be trying to shrink the learning gap that beginners might encounter when learning ROS. Starting with the basics of creating workspaces and nodes, communicating with microcontrollers, receiving sensors feedback, and up to designing the whole system architecture of intercommunicating nodes. This knowledge shall allow the students to accomplish major robots control tasks, such as motion control and image capturing and processing, and can scale up to automating robots control missions. Our instructor will provide you with a roadmap that will help you take the extra steps towards mastering ROS.

Skills You Gain

1Profound understanding of the ROS environment (nodes, topics, messages, services)

2How to use C++/Python to write a ROS code

3How to interact with ROS using feedback devices (sensors, motors, encoders)

Target Audience

University students seeking better understanding and hands-on experience with ROS


Intermediate knowledge of C++ or Python Programming

Passion and commitment

Teamwork & sharing experience

ENG. khaled Gabr

Track Instructor

Software and Control Track Timeline

S. 01

Introduction to ROS

S. 02

Introduction to Linux and install ubuntu, ROS

S. 03

Topics, Nodes, & turtlesim move

S. 04

Packages and WorkSpace

S. 05

Gazebo World and RVIZ

S. 06

Understanding URDF

S. 07

Final Project